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Children need routine so that they can learn the rhythm of their everyday lives, and sleep and eat at the right times.This timetable provides a loose structure that will be followed to ensure that older children get to school on time, and younger children get to socialise outside Tinkerbite Childcare. However, routines can be adapted to suit individuals. For instance, if your child sleeps in the morning instead of after lunch then we can change our routine to allow for this, or if you’d prefer to read with your child at home, they can play instead.


Children will be observed on a daily basis and a record will be made in order to plan activities to enable their continued development.

These records are available for parents to look at anytime on request or at

The observations will be used, along with input from children, parents and nurseries/schools, to ensure that activities are appropriate for the age and stage of development of each child.


Ages 2 - 5

We also support children in the four specific areas of the EYFS:

  • literacy

  • mathematics

  • understanding the world

  • expressive arts and design

We conduct a progress check at age two to identify any concerns in their learning and development.

We also help with school readiness in order to make this transition a bit easier for both child and parent.

Some of our outings:
Library, picnics, Post Office, nature walks, local parks, trips on the bus, local shops & supermarkets, Children’s Centre, duck pond.
Some of the games and activities available:
Messy time (arts & crafts), cooking & baking, gardening, story time, individual reading, board games,  jigsaws, dolls, role play, small world play (e.g. wooden train set), music, singing, dancing.

Homework and Reading Help

For older children, we try to communicate regularly with teachers so we can try to match activities with their current school curriculum. We also offer homework and reading help where required. We know each family is different, so we discuss with parents how much support they would like us to give and do our best to accommodate them. For some parents, it’s ideal if we can complete these during minding hours so that the time spent as a family can be more about having fun. For other parents, reading and working through homework together is a part of their quality time.

Early Learning

For very young children we focus on the three prime areas highlighted in the EYFS:

  • Communication and language

  • Physical development

  • Personal, social and emotional development

These are essential for awakening children’s curiosity and developing a passion for learning.

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